
Gyno (Male Breast Reduction) FAQs

If you’re considering gyno, or male breast reduction, learn more about the procedure and get answers to some of our most frequently asked questions here.

Gyno Questions

What is gyno (gynecomastia) or male breast reduction?

Gynecomastia refers to the removal of excess breast tissue in men. Men that experience excess breast tissue usually do so when they are teenagers or after the age of 50 when testosterone production decreases. Certain drugs, both prescription and recreational, can also result in excess breast tissue.

What happens at my initial consultation?

During your consultation with Dr. Ortiz, he will discuss your goals, your case, the cost, and which approach (see below) would be most beneficial for you. You’ll also discuss what you can expect in regards to recovery, complications, and scars.

Approaches to gyno

There are two approaches to male breast reduction. The first involves removing the excess glandular tissue and fat using surgical excision and liposuction. The second approach removes glandular tissue and fat, while also removing excess skin and lifting the remaining skin. During your consultation, Dr. Ortiz will determine which approach would be most beneficial for you.

How many post-op appointments will I have?

You will have a minimum of 3 appointments with Dr. Ortiz after your breast augmentation: one appointment a week after the surgery, one appointment at 2 months post-surgery, and the final appointment at 6 months after surgery. If you need to see Dr. Ortiz at any time between these appointments, please call us.

What are your payment terms?

We require a payment of 25% of the total cost up front to secure your surgery date. The remaining balance must be paid in full no later than two weeks before the surgery takes place. While most cosmetic surgeries are not covered by insurance, we offer a cash discount and accept Care Credit and all major credit cards.

How much does gyno cost?

The total cost depends on your case but most male breast reduction surgeries cost between $6720 – $8925.

What is included in the cost of the procedure?

The cost of your gyno surgery includes all pre-op and post-op appointments, anesthesia, the surgery and surgical materials, as well as any post-op compression garments. Prescription pain medication is not included in the cost of surgery and is not dispensed by North Raleigh Plastic Surgery.

Am I a good candidate?

Good candidates for male breast reduction surgery are healthy with no significant medical problems and your gyno should not be related to a hormonal issue (gyno cannot fix hormonal issues that result in excess breast tissue).

What kind of anesthesia will be used?

Our licensed anesthetist administers IV sedation for gynecomastia surgeries.

How long does surgery take?

Male breast reduction takes approximately 1 ½ – 2 hours. Plan on being at North Raleigh Plastic Surgery for around 3 hours on the day of your surgery. Since you will be coming out of anesthesia, you will need someone to drive you home from the center and stay with you for 24 hours after the surgery.

What should I expect after the surgery?

Since you will be coming out of anesthesia, you will need someone to drive you home from the center and stay with you for 24 hours after the surgery. You should expect some bruising and swelling on the chest. You will wear a compression vest for 6 weeks and keep your activity light. Depending on your case, you may need drain tubes. Most patients take one week off of work, although you are free to go back to work after the drain tubes are removed.

What kind of scars will I have?

Gynecomastia results in minimal scarring, with most scars being hidden under the armpit. If your male breast reduction is combined with a lift, you will have scars around your areola that are hidden in the pigment changes of your skin.

Are there complications with male breast reduction surgery?

The most common complication is accumulation of blood in the wound. This is not a serious complication and many times, the blood can be drained with a needle. Occasionally, we have to open the wound to drain. Areolar loss (loss of sensation in the areola) may also occur.

Contact North Raleigh Plastic Surgery to Schedule Your Gyno Consultation Today!

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